Monday, March 14, 2011

BumP*a*liciously late

For all of you Tummy Thursday Fan’s so sorry I missed last Thursday bump*a*licious shot!  I didn’t have such a good feel good day.  I was experiencing some pain in my stomach.  I spoke with a nurse at my doctor's ofice and she said I was experiencing round ligament pain.

What is round ligament pain?
Round ligament pain generally refers to a brief, sharp, stabbing pain or a longer-lasting dull ache that pregnant women commonly feel in the lower abdomen or groin, starting in the second trimester.

You may feel round ligament pain as a short jabbing sensation if you suddenly change position, such as when you're getting out of bed or out of a chair or when you cough, roll over in bed, or get out of the bathtub. You may feel it as a dull ache after a particularly active day — when you've been walking a lot or doing some other physical activity.

The round ligaments surround your uterus in your pelvis. As your uterus grows during pregnancy, the ligaments stretch and thicken to accommodate and support it. These changes can occasionally cause pain on one or both sides of your abdomen

25 1/2 weeks

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